When a customer places an order using the affiliate’s link or coupon code, this order will be shown in the Orders section of the program and it will have a corresponding status assigned to it.
From here, you can review the order and approve or decline it, send payment to the affiliate, view the affiliate profile or check why the order is blocked.
Understanding order status
There are several order statuses that can be ascribed to an incoming affiliate order in Lootly:
Approved - an affiliate order that has been approved by the merchant or automatically approved by the system based on the affiliate approval logic
Pending - all orders placed within the set cookie days will be “pending” and awaiting to be either approved/denied
Denied - the order has been denied by the merchant
Expired - the order was placed outside of set cookie days and it’s automatically marked “expired”
Blocked - Fraud - check out what is considered a fraudulent affiliate order
Blocked - SKU - the affiliate order includes product(s) which is excluded from earning commissions. Check out how to block products from earning affiliate commissions.
Managing pending orders
All new affiliate orders that follow the set cookie policy are pending orders in your Lootly affiliates account.
From the actions dropdown, you can do the following actions on a pending order:
Approve order
Decline Order
View Affiliate
You can also bulk approve orders.
For this, simply check the box of the orders you wish to bulk approve -> Click Bulk Approve:
Next, learn how cookie days work.